Her heart and ideas were bigger than what I could accommodate her with - but together her and I came up with a design that would suit everyone.
One evening while I working on her order my oldest daughter, Amanda - born in 1992 was browsing the internet. She decided to google the name of the young man that I was making these wristbands about. While my family and I stood around the computer watching ,she played a video on Hyatt Ebeling. By the time it had finished I was in tears and there was silence in the room. My heart sank. That young man, just a couple months yonger that my daughter had passed in a 4 car collision. It was a sobering reminder that we should always treasure the gifts that God has given us.., our children, spouses, family and friends.
I knew there was nothing in this world that I could have said to them that could ease their pain but I wanted to show them that even as far away as in Canada we feel their loss.
I sent a email to Talyor and asked her if she would hand deliver a small token of love to Hyatt's family. She agreed to do so.
Taylor wanted to include more on the wristbands, but instead I will put it here.
Edward Hyatt EBELING
April 14, 1992 - January 31, 2009
~~ Gone but not forgotten ~~
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